2021 Summer Gardening

Here are some pictures of our summer gardens. We are just starting to harvest many of the tomatoes, peppers and squash.

View of the main garden from the top. Picture taken about a month ago.
Our 3 Layens horizontal hives down in the little orchard are finally full of honey bees. Sarah did a wonderful job painting them.
Elephant Garlic, oh my!
Unripened figs in the orchard.
We planted red, white and yellow onions.
Cucumbers are planted under a cattle panel trellis.
Pepper…we have mostly bell peppers, but Sarah planted some other varieties too.
The birds get some of the blueberries, but we planted enough so that we get most of them.
Blueberries! In a couple years we will be overflowing with them.
Sarah plants sunflowers in a garden bed visible from the kitchen window.
We canned 27 quarts of Irish potatoes so far. We didn’t think we’d like them canned, but we both love the flavor after canning…weird.
Toothache plant. You chew the yellow flower and your mouth goes numb.

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