Elderberry Cuttings and Tincture

We harvested 2 lbs. of elderberries from seven young elderberry plants last year. 

We made elderberry tincture from the 2 lbs. of berries. We put the destemmed and rinsed elderberries in 1.5 litres of 100 proof vodka and let them sit for 2-3 months. Then, we strained out the berries and stored the finished elderberry tincture in mason jars on the counter.
If one of us is feeling a little crummy we’ll drink a tablespoon or two once or twice a day.
Finished Elderberry tincture
This year our original plants are big enough to take cuttings from so we can plant more bushes.

Cuttings are taken while dormant and kept in water until roots form, then they are planted out after last frost date, which is mid April in our area.

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