During much of February neither Sarah nor myself were home very much. Sometimes when we are away the dogs remain tied up during the daytime and the chickens are confined to their run. Well, a young male cat started coming around to have a bite to eat and some fellowship with our 3 cats. Frank, as we have named him, is quite afraid of the dogs. Our dogs are fine with cats, and get really excited to check out the newcomer, which terrifies Frank to the point of him running into the woods. However, he seems determined to stay around because he has slowly become less afraid of the dogs to the point of lying low in key areas during the day where the dogs don’t usually notice him even when they are just a few feet apart. Since Frank decided to stick around we took him to the vet and had him neutered. Sorry Frank.
Stray cats are common out here, and we know that our neighbor’s cats, and even dogs are frequenting our place….that is the norm out here. As long as chickens don’t get eaten and nobody gets hurt…all is well. We did reach out to our immediate neighbors to see if anyone would claim him before we made him feel too welcome. 😁

Frank The Cat enjoying some fine dining on the patio. 😀