We didn’t expect to be THIS involved in raising chickens when we moved out here. We started out with 7 hens in the smaller coop on the left of this picture, but this is our third summer here and we’ve built a larger coop (on the right) and have a total of 22 free range chickens with 4 more pullets and 7 baby chicks that just hatched.
The original coop on the left measures 8’x4′ and the larger coop measures 8’x8′. The runs are totally enclosed with a chicken door that opens between them. |
We have 6 pullets that hatched under a broody hen about a month and half ago. She wasn’t very interested in raising her chicks though, and she started laying eggs again after her babies were about 4 weeks old….they are on their own now and doing fine. We just gave two of the roosters to a friend that wanted them for her hens. |
One of our hens sitting on 10 eggs in a little brooder area built into the big coop. The brooding room is separate from all the other chickens. It has its own fenced in run for raising her chicks too. 7 of the 10 eggs just hatched. |