After a month of watching the garden take off we’ve started to harvest lots of greens and herbs, and some radishes. We’ve been told that one of the biggest mistakes new gardeners make is starting too big, so we only started with 5 raised beds this spring. We are looking forward to adding more beds and getting more experience with perennials.
There is definitely a difference in taste between veggies straight from the garden compared to store bought. The garden produce is much more flavorful! It’s nice to know that there aren’t any toxic chemicals sprayed on the plants or artificial fertilizers added to the soil.
Sarah is cleaning some greens from our garden for a salad. |
A bed full of tomatoes, kale, onions, and mixed greens. |
Baby tomatoes! |
Potatoes have been hilled on the left and cabbages are growing like crazy. Lattice for cucumbers are in a new bed in the background. |