Cabin update

We haven’t posted in a while, but that doesn’t mean that we haven’t done anything. The walls of the new room are complete, as are the windows, subfloor and the exterior siding. The new room is finally enclosed and weather proof. The driveway is now fixed thanks to Arlie Cooper and Don Robertson. Below are some photos taken.

My dad and I are adding more support above the door. The framing isn’t standard since this is a conversion from a screened in porch.
Sarah making coffee before we start working. We use a wood burning Biolite stove and an old coffee pot that we found in the cabin.

Sarah, Ben and my mom are breaking down free pallets. We’ll use the wood for making compost bins, chicken coop, etc.

Ben is trying his hand at making a bow.

Don Robertson is spreading gravel on the driveway. It took four dump truck loads. 
Sarah is explaining to Ben how the cuts will be made to fell this tree. We are making room for the garden area. The wood will be used for firewood, cordwood building or hugelkulture beds.

The screened in porch is no more and the new room is finally weather tight.

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