Monday Meme – The Problem With Pride
“How many times during the day do we feel pain because our pride is hurt? Pride, the exacerbation of self-importance, consists of being infatuated with the few [good] qualities we possess and, often, of imagining ourselves to possess those we lack. It hinders all personal progress, because in order to learn we must first believe
New Chicks Get Their First Taste Of Outside
3 week old chicks are figuring out how to navigate the ladder to get outside for the first time. Ben, The Chicken Whisperer!
Top Bar Hive Check at 6 Weeks
Here’s a short video of our bees at 6 weeks. They’ve built up to top bar number 9. We’ve moved the follower board back to give them 6 or 7 more top bars to build comb on, and we opened the third entrance.
Monday Meme – More Humility… Less Pride
“Humility is a forgotten value in today’s world. Our obsession with the image we have to project of ourselves is so strong that we have stopped questioning the validity of appearances and endlessly seek better ways to appear.” – Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill by Matthieu Ricard
Monday Meme – Another Way To View Freedom
“To be free is to be master of oneself. For many people such mastery involves freedom of action, movement, and opinion, the opportunity to achieve the goals they have set themselves. This conviction locates freedom primarily outside oneself and overlooks the tyranny of thoughts. Indeed it is commonplace in the West that freedom means being