We will be setting up a greywater system to recycle our used shower and washing machine water. We want to make sure that whatever goes down the drain and into our plants and trees will not harm them. The best way for us to know what is going down the drain is to make our own cleaning products.
We have been researching different recipes and techniques for making our own bar soap. The internet and especially YouTube has many recipes for different soaps and all of your own cleaning and personal care products. We settled on a recipe that made a small quantity for our first go at it. You can watch a video of the recipe we used here: http://video.about.com/candleandsoap/Homemade-Soap-From-Scratch.htm
There is also a very helpful Excel spreadsheet that can be used to create your own recipes here: http://millersoap.com/worksheet.html
The bars turned out great. They have a nice lavender scent, but it isn’t overpowering like some of the homemade soap we’ve seen at farmers markets. Here is a picture of our first small batch (6 bars) of lavender bar soap.